Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesdays where we finish kura at 2.25pm

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025

Pukapuka Pānui | Prospectus

At Tamatea High School we are small enough to make a genuine commitment to your child. We can determine their individual goals and adapt our programmes to help them become good citizens and to succeed. This is our ‘X factor’ – our size means we are like a family, a whānau.

There is a warm, welcoming friendliness to our kura and we care about each other. Our classes are small (and we plan to keep it that way). We know your child’s name, we know you, and we know what we need to do to support your child’s success. There’s no chance of getting lost or slipping through the cracks at Tamatea High School.

I am extremely proud to be the tumuaki (principal) of Tamatea High School. I know, hand on heart, we have a tremendously dedicated staff, great ākonga and supportive whānau who are all committed to helping our young people grow into good people.

Tamatea High School is a good choice for your child and for your family.

Jesse Te Weehi - Tumuaki (Principal)

Tamatea Prospectus

Please download the latest Tamatea Prospectus. This will give you an insight into the high quality education, cultural and sporting opportunities that Tamatea High School has to offer your child.  You will see students enjoying themselves and gain a sense of how focused we are as a school in helping our young people to be successful.