- Senior Course Confirmation 27 & 28 January 9.30am - 11.30am -

- Tuakana Training 29 January 9am - 1pm  -

- Powhiri 30 January 9am -

- Year 9, Rumaki and Tuakana students only 31 January 9am - 1pm

Ngā Tūnga Mahi | Vacancies

Teaching Positions

Our teaching positions are advertised in the Education Gazette | Tukutuku Korero.

We welcome visits to our school by teachers who might be interested in joining our whānau.

Support Staff Positions

Teacher Aid/Learning Assistant Position - January 2025 start. Please go to Seek for information regarding this position.


Are you interested in joining our roster of relieving Teachers? If so, email: hughf@tamatea.school.nz