Arts & Culture
If arts and culture are your thing, there are plenty of options. Our students participate in Rockquest, Speech Competitions, Debating, Kapa Haka, and Music Bands.
Over the past years our Arts programme has integrated kōwhaiwhai, whakairo (carving), design, painting and photography.
The Arts pursuits in our kura are well resourced. We have a full range of musical instruments and equipment. We also have a strong digital infrastructure. This includes ultra-fast broadband, wifi and a suite of high specification Apple iMacs for Photography, Design and Music.
Just some of what we offer ...

RockQuestEach year we compete for a place in the national RockQuest battle and in 2023 we took out the competition! Our band, Te Whanau Puoro, is made up of ākonga from both Tamatea High School and Flaxmere College. “Ma te kaha o Puoro, ka kaha ngā tuhono.” - “Through the power of music, connections are strong.”