- Senior Course Confirmation 27 & 28 January 9.30am - 11.30am -

- Tuakana Training 29 January 9am - 1pm  -

- Powhiri 30 January 9am -

- Year 9, Rumaki and Tuakana students only 31 January 9am - 1pm

Mahere Rautaki
Strategic Plan

Titiro Whakamua, Kōkiri Whakamuri

Titiro whakamua, kōkiri whakamuri reminds us to look back so that we can move forward. The Board of Trustees work closely with the Senior Leaders in our school to create a strategic plan that encompasses the aspirations of our ākonga, our whānau, our hapū and our community.

Our three major focus areas are:

  1. Improving numeracy and literacy in the junior school.

  2. Enhancing engagement with our programmes - giving practical effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi is key to this.

  3. Ensuring that school leavers have meaningful pathways.