- Senior Course Confirmation 27 & 28 January 9.30am - 11.30am -

- Tuakana Training 29 January 9am - 1pm  -

- Powhiri 30 January 9am -

- Year 9, Rumaki and Tuakana students only 31 January 9am - 1pm

Students looking across to Mataruahou and Te Whanganui-ā-Orotū as the sun rise from Kohukete (Wharerangi)

Kāhui Mātauranga

We are grateful for the relationships we enjoy with our local marae here in Ahuriri. Our Kāhui Mātauranga is a group of representatives from our 7 marae who give guidance on strategic matters and mātauranga Māori.

Our current representatives are:

  • Charla Hawaikirangi (who is a former student, is on the Board of Trustees) from Waiohiki marae.

  • Tipene Cottrell has whakapapa connections to Wharerangi marae, Timi Kara marae and Mōteo marae. Tipene also teaches our students local histories about our hapū.

  • Allana Hiha is the Deputy Chair of the Mana Ahuriri post settlement group and also a former teacher at Tamatea High School. She has whakapapa connections to Petane marae.