Ahuriri Kāhui Ako | Community of Learning

The Ahuriri Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) school members are enthusiastic about collaborating together to ensure aspirational and meaningful student progressions and raised achievement for all ākonga in our community. We have a real opportunity to work in new ways to develop a curriculum that is responsive to our community and reflects the types of skills, knowledge, and dispositions that our students will need to be prepared for a changing world.
The Māori name for Napier, Ahuriri, comes from the Māori chief Tū Ahuriri. He cut a channel into the lagoon at Ahuriri because the Westshore entrance had become blocked. Pāua in the lagoon were dying because of freshwater flooding and the water was also flooding his crops at Wharerangi.

E rite ana tātou ki te kauwau e noho ana ki te toka. Ka pari te tai, ka ngaro te kohatu. Ka rere te manu.
We are like the Cormorant sitting on a rock. The tide comes in and the rock disappears. The bird flies away.
- From Ahuriri COL Achievement Challenges 2017
Members of the COL
We are proud to work closely with the six schools that are part of the Ahuriri Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning)

Tamatea Intermediate
Caters for students between the ages of 10 and 13 in Year 7 and 8. Students are drawn from a wide range of primary schools across Napier. The school has 397 students, 45% of whom identify as Māori.
Visit Tamatea Intermediate
Fairhaven School (Napier)
A special school for students aged between five and twenty-one and in Year 1 to 15. All students enrolled have high or very high needs and most are funded through the Ongoing Resourcing Schemes. The school has 76 students on six sites. There are 35% of students who identify as Māori. Visit Fairhaven School
Tamatea Primary School
A contributing school for students in Year 1 to 6. There are 210 students at the school, 63% of who identify as Māori.
Visit Tamatea Primary
Westshore School
A Year 1 to 6 school in Napier. It has a roll of 146 students, of whom 23% identify as Māori.
Visit Westshore School

Porritt School
in the Napier suburb of Tamatea provides education for 330 students from Year 1 to 6 and 40% are Māori.
Visit Porritt School