- Senior Course Confirmation 27 & 28 January 9.30am - 11.30am -

- Tuakana Training 29 January 9am - 1pm  -

- Powhiri 30 January 9am -

- Year 9, Rumaki and Tuakana students only 31 January 9am - 1pm

New Enrolments

Year 9 2025 Enrolments

Applications packs have been sent directly to all Tamatea Intermediate students. Enrolment forms are also available from our administration team at Tamatea High School. All 2025 Year 9 enrolments must be returned on a blue enrolment form along with a birth certificate/passport and childhood immunisation records. Please email enquiries@tamatea.school.nz or call 06 844 66 00 if you have any queries.

Applications for Year 9 in 2025 close on Friday 13 September 2024.

For enrolment applications in years 10 to 13 please contact our Administration team regarding the application process - email enquiries@tamatea.school.nz or call 06 844 66 00