Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesdays where we finish kura at 2.25pm

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025


Tamatea Food Festival

Tamatea High Year 10 students Bailey Hardgrave and Stella Dornan working with teacher Sarah Knight on one of the foodstalls.

Tamatea High Year 10 students Bailey Hardgrave and Stella Dornan working with teacher Sarah Knight on one of the foodstalls.

For the first time in twenty years Tamatea High School recently held their Food Festival Fundraiser. The school are raising money to buy a new school van and the event raised $2,500 towards the target of $45,000.

The weather Gods were smiling on the school - the Friday afternoon event was warm and sunny. The High school students combined with staff and parents to run the stalls which included curry, tacos, hamburgers, hāngi, hot dogs, cakes and pancakes. Local MP Stuart Nash, assisted in selling raffle tickets for the quick-fire raffles.

The Tamatea students enjoyed pitching in to support their school and worked solidly from set up until the end of the evening when the clean-up was complete.

Board of Trustees Chairman, Mike Mackrill, who worked in partnership with Nash on the quick-fire raffles said that it was a great evening which was well attended by the Tamatea community. “There was a fantastic feeling in the school of people coming together and enjoying the food and entertainment. The bouncy castles were a huge hit with the little kids and big kids alike!”

Principal, Robin Fabish, acknowledged the work of the school staff and students, and the parents of the school. EIT continues to be a great support for the school, Napier City Council, Pak n Save and Gilmores also made significant contributions. “It is wonderful to have our whole school community working together for the betterment of our students.” Mr. Fabish said.