Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesdays where we finish kura at 2.25pm

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025


Shamon and Omeka

Tamatea High students Shamon Kara and Omeka Puhara.

Tamatea High students Shamon Kara and Omeka Puhara.

For many Napier secondary school students last Friday was a day off school for a teacher only day. However, there was no break for Shamon Kara and Omeka Puhara who are Year 13 students at Tamatea High School.

In a partnership with Tamatea Pak’nSave, there is a team of senior students who are working the 5.30am to 8am shift each weekday.  Cindy Morgan, Head of Careers at Tamatea said that “Andrew Graney, the Pak’nSave owner, came to us and offered the opportunity of early morning work for some of our seniors. Students had to provide a CV and go through the interview process – it’s such valuable experience for them. They’re committed, reliable and honest and we’re really proud of them.”

Both students are in their last year of school and the experience of a part time job not only helps financially, it’s also a step up the ladder to life in the workforce.

Shamon says that he has aspirations to gain a mechanics apprenticeship. Every Thursday this year he has been involved in Hawke’s Bay Trades Academy at EIT where he is in year two of the automotive programme. After his Pak’nSave shift on Friday Shamon successfully interviewed for a Gateway placement at the Napier City Council Depot working on the council vehicles.  

At this stage Omeka is uncertain what he wants to do when he leaves school but he enjoys working with people and his job at Pak’nSave gives him the chance to do this as well as explore options in the Grocery industry.  Omeka plays for the Senior Boys’ Basketball Team and also manages to fit in coaching Junior Basketball for the school.

Mrs Morgan is pleased that Tamatea High School has such a good relationship with Tamatea Pak n Save. The school kapa haka group were honoured to participate in the new store opening last year and the Pak’nSave Management team have been very supportive of the students and school.

Cindy is always happy to talk to businesses and employers who might want polite, reliable and personable students to help in their organisations. “We put a huge focus on preparing our students for life after school and it’s great to get community support.”