- Powhiri 30 January 9am - Students released 12noon

- Year 9, Rumaki and Tuakana students only 31 January 9am - Students released 12noon


Project Day

Year 10 students from Tamatea High School – Isaac Hanara-King, Montana-Rose Perry and Jayden Te Wairua.

Year 10 students from Tamatea High School – Isaac Hanara-King, Montana-Rose Perry and Jayden Te Wairua.

Junior students at Tamatea High School recently spent a day working on a project of their choice. The students chose an interest and as groups worked to explore a big idea. Students with a music talent got together and discussed how they could do something worthwhile with their musical abilities.

A brainstorming session explored ideas and the group decided to go busking and use the proceeds to support kids in need through the KidsCan Charitable Trust. Now Phone and Broadband company from the Ahuriri Business Hub paved the way with the Business Hub tenants and café diners were able to enjoy performances from seven individuals and small groups. Afterwards, the students evaluated their venture and decided next time groups spread around town when a cruise ship visited would help them raise more money for KidsCan.

Year 9 Dean and Project Day organiser, Josie Burdon, was thrilled with the outcome of the day. ‘We had students making Christmas baking which was delivered to elderly in the community, another group visited significant historical sites past the airport, we had some learning hip hop dancing and everything in between. It was a great way to explore authentic learning that students were really motivated by. We’re looking to expand the model so that it becomes a regular part of what we do at Tamatea.’