Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesdays where we finish kura at 2.25pm

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025


Mufti Day for Salvation Army

Tamatea High School prefect, Taahnisha Paul (L) and Deputy Head Girl, Saskia Hook with some of the canned foods gathered

Tamatea High School prefect, Taahnisha Paul (L) and Deputy Head Girl, Saskia Hook with some of the canned foods gathered

Last Friday, the prefects at Tamatea High School organised a mufti day to give support to the Salvation Army food bank. Each student was required to bring a can of food instead of the usual gold coin. The response from students was fantastic and a huge amount of canned food was gathered.

Deputy Head Girl, Saskia Hook, said that the prefect group thought supporting the food bank was something that the school would get in behind of. It also might have been easier for them to grab a can from the pantry rather than find a gold coin somewhere. “I just hope everyone asked before they helped themselves to the baked beans!”

The donation of canned food was gratefully received by the Salvation Army who are under pressure as a result of the current COVID-19 crisis. The student’s timing couldn’t have been better as the whole country has since moved into lockdown.

Tamatea High School Principal, Robin Fabish said “Many families are trying to get by on reduced incomes at the moment and it’s important that we band together to relieve the stress and worry that people are feeling. We place a big emphasis on respect and caring for others. Our students can be proud that they’ve done there bit to help the Salvation Army feed those in need.”