Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesdays where we finish kura at 2.25pm

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025


Rotary Club of Taradale Student Applications

Atiesha Harris (Yr 10, Tamatea High School) with Ange Tremain (Rotary Club of Taradale)

Atiesha Harris (Yr 10, Tamatea High School) with Ange Tremain (Rotary Club of Taradale)

This year the Government has introduced free fees for the first year of study at University. This has prompted a rethink for the Rotary Club of Taradale who have normally used funds from the Kelvin Tremain Memorial Education Trust to support first year university students with their studies.

After consultation with the local High Schools the Rotary Club of Taradale called for applications from students who have displayed grit and determination. These were both qualities that the late Kel Tremain was renowned for in business, on the rugby field and in his life.

Tamatea High School submitted applications to the Rotary Club of Taradale for support for two students – Deane Peters and Atiesha Harris.

Deane is a Yr 13 student who suffered a serious head trauma as a result of a cycling accident when he was in Yr 10. In spite of this he has worked hard on rehabilitation and his studies. He intends to take a degree at University in 2019 and funds from the trust will help him with the tutoring support that he sometimes needs.

Atiesha is a Yr 10 student at Tamatea High who played Ross Shield rugby in Yr 8 and has played in the local Girl’s rugby competition for the last two years. Although she is only small, she is a speedy winger with a huge heart and great attitude on the field and in the classroom. Funds were made available to Ateisha to buy a Chromebook to assist her in her learning in the BYOD environment at Tamatea High School.

Tamatea High School Principal, Robin Fabish, said he was very grateful for the support that the Rotary Club of Taradale has given to Tamatea High School and the other Napier secondary schools. “The more we can all do to support the young people of Napier, the better for our community.”