Reminder - school commences at 9am each day and concludes at 3.15pm except for Wednesdays where we finish kura at 2.25pm

Hui Whāinga - Tuesday 11 March & Wednesday 12 March 2025

School Photos - Thursday 13 March 2025

Year 9 Hearing Screening - 31 March & 1 April 2025

Te Tini o Tamatea | Alumni

We invite anyone who has a connection to our school since it started in 1975 to join us. 

All former students, teachers, support staff and whānau are encouraged to join Te Tini o Tamatea.  

Many people have fond memories of their time at Tamatea High School and would love to give back to their former school. There are three ways you can do this - with gifts of time, talent or treasure! Time and talent are our main focus.

Gifts of time - come and visit (or zoom) our students and share your stories, volunteer to help out around the property, to be a sports coach or be a mentor.

Gifts of talent - as someone with HR experience, IT knowledge, Marketing or Mātauranga Māori, you might like to share your talents to help us develop as a kura.

Gifts of treasure - you might want to make a donation to the school, contribute to our school foundation or donate a scholarship.

If you would like to give time, talent or treasure to the school in any way, please click here to email  our Te Tini o Tamatea, Alumni Co-ordinator.

We are organising reunions, speakers, mentoring, careers support and opportunities to give back to Tamatea High School.  Of course, we have our 50th Jubilee in 2025 to plan for.  If you, or anyone you know are wanting to join the Te Tini o Tamatea, please join using the button above.

Founding Principal, John Ryan (right)

Former Students from the 1980s

Tamatea High School Previous Principals

Mr John Ryan

1975 to 1988 (Term 2)

Mr Bill Dimery

1988 (Term 3) to 1991

Mr Bail Haque

1992 to 1994

Mr Richard Rosco

1995 to 2001

Mrs Jean Paterson

2002 to 2006

Mr Chris Neilsen

2006 to 2010

Ms Nicola Ngarewa

2010 (Term 3) to 2015 (Term 2)

Mr Robin Fabish

2015 (Term 3) to 2024 (Term 1)

Mr Jesse Te Weehi

2024 (Term 2) to current

What are they doing now?